Fort worth floodplain administrator

Building permits can be obtained from the Development Services Department located at City Hall or by calling For questions about any development anywhere within the City of Fort Worth, contact the Development Services Department at Read more. Skip to main content. Development in the floodplain All development within the City of Fort Worth requires local and state permits. PDF, 96KB Substantial Improvement Requirements Substantial Improvement — The NFIP requires that if the cost of any reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition or other improvement to a structure exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the start of the construction, the improvements must conform to or meet the same construction requirements as a new building and satisfy minimum finish floor requirements specified in the Floodplain Provisions Ordinance.

Read more. Skip to main content. Flood insurance Flood insurance Rather than wait for a flood to occur, you can act now to protect your property from flood damage. Flood Insurance Flood insurance facts Affordable federal flood insurance is available to anyone living in Fort Worth who wants it, whether they are in a floodplain or not.

Homeowner's insurance rarely, if ever, covers damage from floods. If you want to know if your home or business is in a floodplain, call Quick Links. If you have reported a stormwater issue or received a door tag from city staff, let us know about your experience.

In addition, the following public meetings were held to gather public input:. Residents can see real-time flood warning information at monitored low-water road crossings. See flood information here. Copies of the available elevation certificates are available upon request.

Real-time river gauge information is available through the National Weather Service. Find data about your address , including if your property falls within a regulatory floodplain or is in an area that is potentially flood prone. Source: National Flood Insurance Program. Read more.

Skip to main content. Stormwater management When rain hits any hard surface, such as your roof or driveway, it can't soak into the ground so it runs off your property. Flood safety More people die each year from flooding than do from lightning, tornadoes, or hurricanes. Flood Warning System The City of Fort Worth Flood Warning Information is designed to provide real-time flood warning risk levels, in order to protect people from hazardous flood conditions.

Drainage system maintenance All development within the City of Fort Worth requires local and state permits. Integrated Stormwater Management iSWM The iSWM Program for Construction and Development is a cooperative initiative that assists municipalities and counties to achieve their goals of water quality protection, streambank protection, and flood mitigation.

When floodplains are preserved in their natural state, they provide open space areas for parks, bike paths and wildlife conservation. Floodplains also reduce the severity of floods by storing rising waters and runoff. The natural vegetation in the floodplain improves the water quality of the lakes and rivers of Fort Worth by slowing down storm water runoff, which allows sediments and other impurities to settle out. Flooding in Fort Worth is typically produced by heavy rainfall from frontal type storms that occur during the spring and fall months.

Flash floods are the most common type of flooding in Fort Worth. The Floodplain Management Group maintains information used to protect property from floods and reviews applications to build or remodel in the floodplain.


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