Sick — interesting, cool. Standard — of course. Switch — to turn on someone instantly with maximum shade. Taxed — stealing. Tight — cheap. Tonk — muscular person. Treck — something far away. Tune sometimes pronounced tuuuuunnnnneeeee — music you love. Wicked — cool, amazing. Wifey — girlfriend, bestie. Yard — your house. We and our partners use cookies to better understand your needs, improve performance and provide you with personalised content and advertisements.
To allow us to provide a better and more tailored experience please click "OK". Sign Up. Travel Guides. Videos Beyond Hollywood Hungerlust Pioneers of love. Luke Abrahams.
The essential and only V you need to know…. Give us feedback. Read Next. Hand Picked Places to Stay in London. I like old words the best. Having lived in the North-East, North-West, South-East, South-West, London and Scotland as well as working with some of the most imaginative users of English for a decade in the Royal Navy I can honestly say that if you used the term strawberry creams or twig and berries, nobody would have a clue as to what you were talking about.
Also be aware that Bugger can be an endearing word in the North-East with kids being called little buggers and bugger-lugs lugs are ears. Overall a very good list but be aware of regionalisms. Being a northerner with a southern girlfriend I find we disagree on the most basic words and uses of the english language.
I mean it with all the love in my heart. Plonked, wanker and the like were thrown around very easily. I thought that was great. To get fired is getting sacked. Never confuse reduncy with getting the sack fired. Some say this is an old naval expression: the balls being iron shot and the brass monkey, a brass tray. I have no idea where that came from lol Have never heard 65,67 or 68 said with that meaning… 71 means.. Fuck all no crumpet attractive members of the opposite sex , just wall to wall fuckin foul baggage unattractive members of the opposite sex.
So I just got pissed as a fart drunk as a skunk. Actually a Shakespeare quote. It was like a bleeding lunar fuckin eclipse or summink something. I got such a shock I suddenly had to puke my fuckin ring anus up, so I spent the rest of the night calling Huey and Ralph onomatapeoia, punking sounds down the great white telephone the toilet.
That was a typo. No seriously, Im British. I just want to correct a few things: Tosser does not mean idiot. Scammel is a very robust make of British truck and ladies with very prominent Raspberry Ripples are occasionally with a healthy dose of exaggeration given the dubious compliment of having ones which resemble the nuts that hold the wheels on to the said vehicle….
Oh sod it!!! But saying this, it really depends where you go in Britain to here the different words. I must say though, you have got a lot up there that I use everyday, for example bollocks and fit, arse and brilliant are just a few that are in my everyday vocab. I disagree, very common to call someone a cunt and be called a cunt.
North East England. Can i just make the point here, it seems everyone as missed. A nice way of calling someone an idiot…. See ya! My dad calls people nob jockeys all the time and there are two people calling each other wankers and twats outside of my window right now!
Bollocks is an English word. Frequently heard when someone makes a mistake, breaks something, failed something bollocksed. Or just as an expression of frustration. Look at the time! Very interesting site, a bit of fun, we complain about Americanisms polluting our language and I recently heard of Americans complaining about British phrases invading American English, that did make me laugh.
As mentioned before, the Britain is very much like a small United States with Counties instead of states, where the accent and meaning of words can change within a few miles, for example there is a noticeable difference in the Newport Wales accent, and the accent of Risca, not more than 10 miles away. As Wales has 2 languages, the great majority speak English , Welsh words are used in English sentences , such as I want to give you a cwtch , meaning I want to give you a hug, usually said to someone you love rather that an acquaintance.
Rad, meaning radical. Epic means awesome. Someone wrote about bummer for someone who is gay, not true, bummer is like damn or bollocks.
Bespoke and redundant are just words that have a meaning. But they are not words that Americans use regularly. We say custom-made or fired. That might be so…. Odd to describe yourself as an Anglophile when you appear to think you know better than us…. Bell-end has been slightly misinterpreted above. Smeg is from Red Dwarf but is actually is the smelly chesse like substance you get on an unwashed bell end. Or ridge chesse, knob cheese etc as we would call it! Great site! A lot of these are said in the U.
Bristols is more cockney rhyming slang — not everyone would get it. Bristol Cities — Titties! Some of it is known everywhere I think eg: a long shot while other expression have only found their way into British English.
I think u 4got jumper, which means sweater; sithee, which means bye; axe, which means guitar!! Any idea of what it means? Southern shandy drinker was missed Lizard -a women Tit — someones a idiot Lorry — truck Jizz — sperm. Bloody shirt lifters! I have tow good septic mates and they love cockney rhyming slang and try to make it up. I tell them that doing that is Mockney and they love that concept too.
And to get wankered? Cwtch is a great one- welsh for hug- snuggle snugglebomb? And the word Mad is banded about a lot meaning- brilliant- or interesting or crazy — all at the same time…. On the internet there is a U.
K based company game riddle made by a famous online riddle maker. The prize to the winner is a motorized golf bag and only E. But I am a riddler. There are also valuable histories to be discovered along the way in some games a lot of of knowledge. Anyway, I need help on the following riddle if I may be so bold to to solicit your attention to the matter.
Here are the set of words: sheep — — — -over lamb — — — — stick ram — — — — time horn — — — — engine wool — — — — cloth I am looking for 5 four letter words, each different. I know this is a strange request but any input would help greatly.
Thanks for your time in advance, Stewart. I just love it and intend to incorporate it into my own fanciful lexicon!
They mean that it is often dark and cruel. To us Brits that is just funny. In some countries someone would be reporting him to the police! Chav does not mean white trash because a chav can be any race, there are plenty of black and Asian chavs in England as well as white. Some of these phrases are not known to all British people because it depends what part they come from. There are plenty of videos on YouTube showing the difference between the North and South.
A woman goes in to a French restaurant and asks the waiter for a double entendre. So he gave her one. Bugger, Wanker and Absobloodylootely are Brilliant! My new favorite. Snog — french kiss crap — commonly used british word for poo, but also describes something that is rubbish or inferior. They are serious swear words and i would expect a clip round the ear hole. Bugger is more acceptable and in fact is the word i use when i dont want to swear in front of my children.
So i imagine its very confusing for an american visitor. It is the 21st century, after all. He got one wrong the Horses for courses. No, Jonathan is correct. We have them both here. Being made redundant is just that — your company has no need for your role any more, and therefore, you are now redundant.
Being fired means that the role will probably still exist after you have been let go, because the role itself is not redundant. At least specify where this word comes from! Well this site has kept me up past midnight and enable me to have 2 bedtimes snorts of whiskey. Lovely Jubbly!!!! I remember a friend of mine telling me about going to a party where she got really pissed, and I asked her if she got into a fight or something.
Knob jockey is homosexual just like bumhole engineer. How old is it? How far back does it go? Just wondering because I have a character in one of books using it.
The story is set in the Regency, about the time Prinny was really setting to work on Brighton Pavilion. It is called this because of the explosion of industry in the area during the industrial revolution and it was often said that the air was black with smoke, hence Black Country. Queen Victoria reputedly drew the curtains on the royal train as she passed through to avoid looking at it!
The main point of my point was accent and sayings. We in the Black Country almost have our own language and an accent that can only be described as undecipherable to an outsider however, that said, it is often described as friendly so its not all bad! Insults Naturally.
How bin ya? Where bist? Am yow gooin aat? What day is it? I hope someone finds this interesting and would like to visit us here in the Black Country. Hi Will. My ex girlfriend came from Nuneaton and the accent there was completely different from, say Leicester in one direction and Atherstone in the other.
One of the sayings I remember was an optimistic comment about the weather:. You could also have had cheeky, as a lot of Americans I know have no idea what cheeky is. You had an alright list, anyway. Tosser and wanker are exactly the same thing. To wank or to toss off is masterbation. Or if you were to call some one a wanker or a tosser as an insult means they are just being a dick. Knickers is also another phrase for panties.
Not quite. I use that too. Slight Correction: A Dogs Dinner means that something is chaotic and in a mess. Slang changes with generations so whether you know a word or the context in which you use it will depend on your age, but some are enduring. Dodgy adj Dodgy is an incredibly useful word that British people use to describe anything we're a bit concerned about.
It can get a bit dodgy late at night. Proper adj Proper is a difficult word to define, mainly because British people use it to describe soo many different things. Knackered adj Simply put, knackered means really really tired. He always takes the day off work.
Snog noun To snog verb So 'to snog' is to give someone a kiss. Naff adj So 'naff' is a word with an interesting history. I'm way too tired. Gutted adj Extremely disappointed or upset. Pissed adj Now in the United States, pissed means angry. Bennin — to be in a state of extreme laughter. Chung — extremely good looking. Gotta get down JJB Sport and buy a new one. Cotch — to hang out, relax, chill out or sleep.
See also kotch. Crump — A multi-purpose term which can be an insult, an exclamation and some other things as well. Dry — dull, boring, unfunny.
Probably comes from flat out. Long — a task that involves more effort than the object is worth. To be complex, time consuming or arduous in nature. You can get the Complete Slang Dictionary Ebook now. Merk — This word originally meant to kill someone, but now it means to insult someone.
Not bothered — Someone who is not interested in something, or in doing something.