Diversion program columbus oh

You had proof of insurance on the date of the offense or you can meet our requirements for current proof of insurance. Additionally, you must have no prior convictions for serious traffic offenses involving drunk driving, hit-skip, fleeing or eluding, failure to obey the order of an officer, vehicular manslaughter or vehicular homicide.

Additionally, you may not be eligible if your driving record indicates that you are a repeat offender for the offense you are seeking to divert. Prior felony arrests, convictions or offenses of violence or multiple prior criminal convictions may also disqualify you. In order to demonstrate your current proof of insurance, you must bring in with you documentation from your insurance agent indicating that your insurance has been pre-paid for three months.

If you have any questions about the specific details of our program, please contact a Prosecutor Division Law Clerk or, in the alternative, if your question has not been answered by the law clerk you may contact Orly Ahroni , Appellate Unit Director. If you successfully complete the Traffic Diversion Program, the charge against you will be dismissed upon payment of court costs.

No offense information will be reported to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and no points will be assessed against your license. If you have any questions or comments regarding the Traffic Diversion Program, please see one of the following:. All requests by media or community organizations , as well as any general comments about the program should be addressed to: Melanie Tobias , Deputy Chief of Staff-Prosecution.

If you have questions about your eligibility for the program or if you have already entered the program and have a specific question, please contact a Prosecutor Division Law Clerk , or, in the alternative, if your question has not been answered by the law clerk you may contact Orly Ahroni , Appellate Unit Director. In order to be eligible for the Traffic Diversion program, you must meet the following requirements: You have been charged with an eligible offense.

You have not previously taken advantage of the Traffic Diversion Program. You are able to pay court costs. You complete an approved defensive driving course. As a result there needs to be diversion programs so that people who suffer from addiction or alcoholism, and run afoul of the law, can have a fighting chance at avoiding being swept up into the system.

Many alcoholics and addicts are good people who do bad things because they are driven by a compulsion that is too strong for them to fight. They do not want to have to steal money from friends and loved ones, and they do not want to have to drink until they blackout, but when it comes to addiction, the desires of the individual are often times not a factor in decision making.

In fact many times an arrest can be the catalyst to change, as long the individual has access to the proper treatment. At Second Chance Counseling, we believe that everyone deserves a second chance, and we believe that through proper counseling and proper support anyone and everyone can recover from addiction.

If you believe that you may have a problem with drugs or alcohol and you think that you may need to seek help, then call the professionals at Second Chance Counseling today at Our trained staff is standing by to help you in any way that we can. We understand how difficult a decision it can be to ask for help, and we know that what you are currently experiencing is tough. So give us a call today and let us help you on your journey into recovery. Second Chance Counseling is expanding access to our high-quality, evidence-based treatment programs so that clients seeking addiction treatment services will no longer need to travel to our office to receive the care they need.

Our Telehealth Program is available to existing, former and new clients. Receive professional one-on-one counseling, participate in IOP group sessions, complete AOD assessments and continue to access the Driver Intervention Program registration through our website.


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